Lawrence County Ohio 2025 Plat Book

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Lawrence County Ohio 2025 Plat Book

This Lawrence County Ohio Plat Book contains:

Landowner maps that concentrate on rural landownership with detailed acreage information, parcel boundaries and section lines. Each map includes highways, roads, waterways, railways and municipal boundaries.

Specialty maps include Lawrence County Road Map & Watershed Map

Municipal Maps of: Athalia, Chesapeake, Coal Grove, Hanging Rock, Proctorville, Ironton & South Point

3D LiDAR Aerial Maps facing the landowner map pages. The aerial maps are enhanced using elevation data from the USGS's National Elevation Dataset (NED), creating a 3D effect showing the actual topography of the land.

Road Index that makes for easy identification of roads throughout the county.

Landowner Index that allows for easy identification of rural landowners in Lawrence County Ohio.

Full color printing, spiral-bound, 8 1/2 x 11, 78 pages. 


We would like to say THANK YOU to the advertisers who participated to make this publication possible.
Please support these local businesses. 

Arrick’s Propane
Bruner Land Co., Inc.
Buckeye REC
Eastham & Associates
Lawrence Economic Development Corporation
Little’s Excavating
Little’s Septic Service & Grease Trap

Need more information or help finding the right product?  Give us a call 816.903.3500 and we will be glad to assist you.